Effective date: Since August 07, 2024.
Last modified: August 07, 2024.
Terms of Service
The following Terms of Service (the “Terms” or the “Agreement”), along with the Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”), govern the use of and access to the different services offered by the operator of the https://priorityvpn.app/ (“Priority VPN” or “Company” or through first person pronouns such as “us”, “we” or “our”), our https://priorityvpn.app/ website (the “Site”), applications for iOS and Android (the “Apps”), as well as the software (the “Software”) associated with our services (collectively referred to as the “Services”).
By using and/or accessing the Services you certify that you will fully comply to the Terms, as well as to our Privacy Policy. The Terms and the Privacy Policy constitute legally binding agreements between you and Priority VPN, so please read them carefully.
If you have any questions about the Terms or Privacy Policy, or if you wish to communicate with us, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Form.
You may purchase subscriptions for our Services via App Store and Google Play (together the “Third-Party Platforms”) and your subscriptions will be governed by the Terms and Conditions of the App Store and Google Play respectively, in addition to the Terms.
1.1. By using and/or accessing the Services, you are agreeing on behalf of yourself or those you represent (“you” or “user” or through any second person pronouns, such as “yours” etc) to comply with and to be legally bound by the Terms in their entirety, including to be responsible for any charges arising from your use of the Services.

1.2. If you are accepting the Terms on behalf of your employer or another entity, you represent and warrant that: (i) you have full legal authority to bind your employer or such entity to the Agreement; (ii) you have read and understand the Agreement; and (iii) you agree and consent to the Agreement on behalf of the party that you represent.

1.3. Nobody is authorized to access the Site or use the Services, unless they have signed this Agreement. Such signature does not need to be a physical signature, since electronic acceptance of this Agreement is permitted by the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-Sign Act), Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 July 2014 and similar federal and state laws. You manifest your agreement to this contractual agreement by taking any act demonstrating your assent thereto. You should understand that this has the same legal effect as you placing your physical signature on any other legal contract. If you click any link, button, or other device provided to you in any part of our Site’s or Apps’ interface, then you have legally agreed to all of these Terms and Conditions. Additionally, by using any of our Site or Services in any manner, you understand and agree that we will consider such use as your affirmation of your complete and unconditional acceptance to all of the terms in the Agreement.

1.4. By using and/or accessing our Services, you represent that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age, or at least the age of majority in the jurisdiction where you reside or from which you use the Services, or that you represent a valid legal entity, and that the registration information you have provided is accurate and complete. If you are not at least eighteen (18) years of age, or at least the age of majority in the jurisdiction where you reside or from which you use the Services and if you do not represent a valid legal entity, you must exit the Site immediately and/or cease using the Services. For the avoidance of doubt, the Company does not permit use of the Services by natural persons under the age of eighteen (18) years.

1.5. Some sections of the Terms or the Privacy Policy may not apply to your specific use of the Services. Thus, if you do not agree with any part of the Agreement applicable to you, you may not use our Services. For the avoidance of doubt, the Agreement governs your access to and use of the Services through any means or channels, including any access or use in connection with routers or other products offered by Priority VPN.

1.6. You agree not to use the Services or access the Site if doing so would violate the laws of your state, province, or country.

1.7. You agree that you are using the Site and/or Services solely for personal, non-commercial purposes.
1. Preliminary provisions
2.1. Priority VPN may update the Agreement from time to time. We reserve the right to do so, and you agree that we have this unilateral right. Unless it is otherwise stated by us, each update of the Terms comes into force as of the moment the amended Terms are published on the Site and the Apps, and it supersedes any prior versions immediately upon posting. If you continue to use the Services after these changes take effect, then you agree and consent to the revised Terms.

2.2. The current version of the Terms is available on the Site. We agree that if we change anything in this Agreement, we will change the “Last modified” date at the top of this Agreement so that it is immediately apparent that we have updated the Agreement. Whenever the Terms are amended, we will provide you with notice of such changes by sending an email, providing notice on the homepage of the Site and/or by posting the amended Terms via our Site and updating the “Last modified” date at the top of these Terms. You understand and agree that it is your obligation to review these Terms from time to time in order to stay informed on current rules and obligations.

2.3. Please note that you may also be notified of changes to the Terms either by the respective Third-Party Platform or by the Apps, or by both.
2. Revisions to the Agreement
3.1. Priority VPN is committed to your privacy and does not collect or log browsing history, traffic destination, data content or DNS queries from users connected to our Services. We only collect information that is strictly necessary for the proper delivery of the Services.

3.2. You can find detailed information related to data collection in the Privacy Policy. Please review the Privacy Policy in its entirety to get a clear understanding of how we handle your information, your rights, our rights, as well as our commitment to data protection.

3.3. To find out more about how the Third-Party Platforms (App Store and Google Play) collect and process your data, please refer to the respective Privacy Policy of the Third-Party Platform from which you have purchased a subscription to our Services.
3. Privacy Policy
4.1. The legal nature of the Agreement is that it is a license agreement between you and the Company whereby the Company only developed, administrates, manages and operates the Site, Software and Apps to provide the Services described herein. The Company (licensor) grants to the user (licensee) a limited right to use the Site, Apps and Services, and its software for the sole purpose of using the VPN Apps and Services as described herein, in the interface of the Site and the interface of the Apps. In order to use the full functionality of the Services, user should purchase subscription as defined herein.

4.2. Subscription purchases for the Services and refunds are operated via the third-party payment providers through the Third-Party Platforms, namely App Store and Google Play.

4.3. We offer two subscription plans: monthly and yearly, through the Third-Party Platforms. Description of each of these subscription plans is available via the interface of the Site or via the interface of the Apps. The Company reserves the right to change the subscription plans at any time at its sole discretion. Users will be notified of such changes within the Site interface and within the Apps interface. If you activate a subscription, you will be automatically charged every month or every year, depending on the duration of the selected plan. YOU HEREBY AUTHORIZE US AND OUR AGENTS (INCLUDING THE PAYMENT PROCESSORS WE MAY USE AND THE PAYMENT PROCESSORS THIRD-PARTY PLATFORMS MAY USE) TO AUTOMATICALLY CHARGE YOU FOR YOUR SUBSEQUENT PURCHASES ON YOUR BEHALF.

4.4. Trial Period: Users of the Services may temporarily use the Services free of charge as indicated on the interface of the Site and in the interface of the Apps (hereinafter referred to as the “Trial Period”). The Company reserves the right to independently establish all terms and conditions regarding the applicability of the Trial Period, including the discretion to determine which users may have access to it. For the avoidance of doubt, the Company reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to determine the duration of the Trial Period (including the possibility of not granting a Trial Period), the category of users (or certain users) who may or may not use the Trial Period, any limitations on the use of the Trial Period based on various criteria, as well as any other terms and conditions of the applicability of the Trial Period. After the end of the Trial Period you will be charged until you cancel your subscription.

4.5. Access to Trial Period is limited to once-off per user.

4.6. In order to avoid being charged, you must cancel before the end of the Trial Period. You must cancel the subscription at least twenty-four (24) before the Trial Period ends, otherwise the Third-Party Platforms may charge you.

4.7. If you start a Trial Period and cancel it before it ends, you cannot reactivate the Trial Period.

4.8. You acknowledge that the Company shall have no obligation to reinstate, reimburse or otherwise compensate you for any Trial Period that has expired without using our Services.

4.9. If you cancel the Trial Period prior to purchasing a subscription, you will lose access to any functionality of the Services that requires a paid subscription.

4.10. Renewal of subscription: Auto-renewal of subscriptions issued through the Third-Party Platforms are canceled directly by the user through the subscription management menu of the respective third-party. You may cancel a subscription at any time before the end of the applicable billing period and the cancellation will apply to the next billing period. For example, if you have purchased a monthly subscription, you may cancel the said subscription at any time during any month of the subscription, and the subscription will be cancelled at the end of the said month period.

4.11. The Third-Party Platforms may charge you for the next billing period up to twenty-four (24) hours prior to the start of the said period. In order to avoid the automatic renewal of your subscription, it is recommended to cancel your subscription no later than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the end of your then current billing period.

4.12. Price Increases: By purchasing a subscription for the Services, you will initially be charged at the price rate applicable at the time of entering the free trial period or a new billing period. If the price of the subscription increases at any given time within your then active billing period, at the end of the said billing period either the respective Third-Party Platform or the Apps will inform you regarding the said price increase.

4.13. In the event of such a price increase within your then active billing period, your subscription will not be automatically renewed at the end of the said billing period. Therefore, if you wish to continue using the Services after the said billing period, you will have to purchase a new subscription.

4.14. If you purchase a new subscription, you will not be granted a new free trial period and clauses 4.10.-4.11. will be applicable regarding automatic renewals. If any price increases apply again, then clauses 4.12.-4.13. will be applicable again.

4.15. The Company reserves the right to change the payment terms for the Services and the prices described in the interface of the Site and in the interface of the Apps. The Company may from time to time reduce the prices stated herein for a limited period. Such discounts (limited offers) will be displayed in the interface and will only be available for a limited period of time.

4.16. Refunds: Please note that we accept payments through the in-app purchase systems of the App Store and Google Play, respectively. For refunds, you should contact them directly.

4.17. If you have voluntarily provided your email address to the Company, you agree that we may use your email address to send you replies to your enquiries, notices relating to the Service, including, without limitation, security notices and any notices required by law, in lieu of postal notice. We may also use your email address to send you other messages, such as changes to features of the Service, notification for changing these Terms and Privacy Policy and newsletters (in case we have your consent for this action). If you do not want to receive such email messages, you may opt out by clicking “unsubscribe”, or similar link in the email message. Opting out may prevent you from receiving emails about updates, improvements, or offers but will not prevent you from receiving security notices and notices required by applicable law.
4. Services and Subscriptions
5.1.You may cancel your purchase for any reason within thirty (30) calendar days of your initial purchase and you will receive a full refund of the amount you paid (“Money Back Guarantee”).

5.2. Refunds beyond the 30-day purchase window may be requested and granted at the sole discretion of the Third-Party Platforms and in accordance with their relevant policies. Priority VPN does not offer any such refunds, other than the Money Back Guarantee.

5.3. Any change to the original purchase, such as upgrading to an extended billing term, shall constitute a waiver of the Money Back Guarantee option.

5.4. To request a refund under the Money Back Guarantee, you should contact the respective Third-Party Platform directly.
5. Refund Policy
6.1. Our Services may be accessed from all around the world, so it is your responsibility to assess whether your use of the Services is in compliance with applicable laws and regulations in your jurisdiction. You shall not access the Services if doing so would violate the laws of your state, province or country.

6.2. Whenever you use the Services, you must comply with these Terms and applicable laws, regulations, and policies.

6.3. Priority VPN aims to provide the best service possible to all of our users. In that sense, we require that you do not misuse our Services. A misuse refers to any use, access, or interference with the Services contrary to the Terms or applicable laws and regulations.

6.4. In order to protect the Services from being misused or used to harm someone, Priority VPN reserves the right to take appropriate measures when our Services are being used contrary to these Terms and applicable laws. You agree that Priority VPN may restrict access to any part of the Services or take any other legal measure provided by law, without providing a refund for Services already paid, if we believe at our absolute discretion that you have misused the Services.

6.5. In using our Services, you agree not to:

6.5.1. Send or transmit unsolicited advertisements or content (i.e., “spam”, “junk mail”, “chain letters”, “pyramid schemes”) over or using the Services;

6.5.2. Send, post, or transmit over or using the Services any content which is illegal, hateful, threatening, insulting, deceptive or defamatory; infringes Priority VPN or third parties’ intellectual property rights; invades privacy; or incites violence or any unlawful behaviour;

6.5.3.Upload, download, post, reproduce, or distribute over or using the Services any content protected by copyright or any other proprietary right without first having obtained permission from the owner / licensor of the proprietary content.

6.5.4.Upload, download, post, reproduce, or distribute over or using the Services any illegal content, including but not limited to any sexual or explicit depictions of minors, or content that is similarly restricted and/or prohibited in your country;

6.5.5. Attempt to access, probe, or connect to computing devices without proper authorization (i.e., any form of “hacking”) over or using the Services;

6.5.6. Forge any headers or manipulate email identifiers in order to mask or mislead the origins of any content;

6.5.7. Paying for your subscription with fraudulent payment means, such as a stolen credit card;

6.5.8. Use the Services to engage in Denial-of-service (DOS) attacks against Priority VPN or any third-parties;

6.5.9. Attempt to compile, utilize, or distribute a list of IP addresses operated by Priority VPN in conjunction with the Services;

6.5.10. Engage in any conduct that restricts or inhibits any other user from using or enjoying the Services;

6.5.11 .Perform any activity that aims at interfering with Priority VPN’s functionality or otherwise might have an adverse effect on the quality, efficiency and functionality of the Services for other users, including but not limited to the abuse of the ability to connect unlimited simultaneous devices (such as through resale, non-personal use or other breach of the license provided herein);

6.5.12. Translate, reverse-engineer, decompile, disassemble, or make derivative works from any of the Software or any other materials from the Site or the Apps;

6.5.13. Access the Services to violate any laws of the country/territory in which you reside;

6.5.14. Use the Services for anything other than lawful purposes.

6.6. Export Controls: By using the Services, you certify that you are not a sanctioned person or the subject or target of any sanctions and that you do not reside in, nor will you access the Services from, a country/territory from which such access is prohibited under any applicable sanctions regime.
6. Acceptable Use Policy
The Company can be contacted using the Contact Form available via this link - https://priorityvpn.app/.
7.1. Subject to your compliance with these Terms, Priority VPN grants to you a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-transferable, fully revocable and limited personal license to download and use the Services. Modifying, distributing to unauthorized parties, reverse engineering, or otherwise using the Services in any way not expressly authorized by Priority VPN in these Terms is strictly prohibited.

7.2. Usage of any material which is subject to Priority VPN intellectual property rights is prohibited unless you have been provided with explicit written consent by Priority VPN. Nothing contained within or related to the Services or in these Terms shall be construed as granting, by implication or otherwise, any license or right to any of Priority VPN intellectual property rights.

7.3. Each paid subscription grants you one (1) license to use the Services on all your devices at any given time, by downloading the Apps with your account from which you purchased the said subscription from the respective Third-Party Platform. For example, if you purchased a subscription from App Store, you may download and use the respective App on all your devices compatible with App Store. However, on the same scenario, if one or more of your devices are compatible with Google Play (instead of App Store), you will need to purchase a subscription to the Services from Google Play in order to use the Services on such devices.
7. License
8.1. We will strive to prevent interruptions to the Site or the Services. However, Services are provided on an “as-is” and “as-available” basis, and we do not warrant, either expressly or by implication, the accuracy of any materials or information provided through the Site, Apps or the Services, or their suitability for any particular purpose. To the fullest extent permitted under the applicable laws, we expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. We do not make any warranty that the Services will meet your requirements, or that it will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free, or that defects, if any, will be corrected. You acknowledge that you access the Site and/or the Services at your sole risk and discretion.

8.2. Priority VPN service coverage, speeds, server locations, and quality may vary. Priority VPN will attempt to always make the Services available. However, the Services may be subject to unavailability for a variety of factors beyond our control (force majeure), including but not limited to emergencies; third-party-service failures; transmission, equipment, or network problems or limitations, interference, or signal strength; and may be interrupted, refused, limited, or curtailed. We are not responsible for data, messages, or pages lost, not delivered, delayed, or misdirected because of interruptions or performance issues with the Services, communications services, or networks. We may impose usage or Service limits, suspend Services, or block certain kinds of usage at our sole discretion to protect Priority VPN, users or the Services. The accuracy and timeliness of data received is not guaranteed; delays or omissions may occur.

8.3. Moreover, from time to time, due to various technological factors and/or scheduled software uploads, our Services or part of our Services may be temporarily interrupted.

8.4. You agree to hold us harmless against any such interruption of Service.

8.5. Priority VPN reserves the right to investigate matters we consider to be violations of these Terms. We may, but are not obligated to, at our sole discretion and without notice, remove, block, filter, or restrict by any means any materials or information that we consider to be actual or potential violations of the restrictions set forth in these Terms, and any other activities that may subject Priority VPN or our users to liability. These rights include the right to terminate or suspend for a reasonable period of time your subscription or take any other legal measure provided by law. Priority VPN disclaims all liability for any failure on our part to prevent such materials or information from being transmitted over the Services and/or into your computing device.
8. Disclaimer
9.1. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Priority VPN shall not be liable and shall not have responsibility of any kind to any user or other third-party for any loss or damage incurred in the event of:
any failure or interruption of the Services; any act or omission of any third party involved in making the Services or the data contained therein available to you; any other cause relating to your access or use, or inability to access or use, any portion of the Site or the Apps; your interactions on the Services or discussion forums provided by Priority VPN; your failure to comply with the Agreement; the cost of procurement of substitute goods or services; or unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data, whether or not the circumstances giving rise to such cause may have been within the control of Priority VPN or of any third-party vendor providing software, services, or support for the Site or Services.

9.2. In no event will Priority VPN, its partners, affiliates, subsidiaries, members, officers, or employees be liable for any direct, special, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages, or for any other loss or damages of any kind, even if they have been advised of the possibility thereof. The foregoing shall not apply to the extent prohibited by applicable law.
9. Limitation of Liability
You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Priority VPN, its officers, directors, employees, members, partners, agents, and suppliers, and their respective affiliates, officers, directors, employees, members, shareholders, partners, and agents, from all claims and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising out of your use of the Services, including but not limited to your violation of the Agreement. We may, at our sole discretion, assume the exclusive defense and control of any matter subject to indemnification by you. The assumption of such defense or control by us, however, shall not excuse any of your indemnity obligations.
10. Indemnification
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Cyprus, without regard to its conflict-of-laws provisions.
11. Governing Law
By accepting these Terms and/or using the Services you irrevocably agree that all disputes arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the use of the Services shall be finally settled by the applicable Courts of the Republic of Cyprus.
12. Dispute Resolution
In the event that Priority VPN is acquired by, or merged with, a third-party entity, Priority VPN may, without your prior notice, assign the Agreement and its rights and obligations hereunder to a new corporate entity, who shall be bound by these same rights and obligations. The rights and obligations of the parties under the Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and permitted assigns of the parties. Any assignment not in accordance with the Agreement shall be null and void.
13. Assignment
14.1. These Terms, together with the Privacy Policy and any other legal notices published by us on the Site and/or the Apps, shall constitute the entire agreement between you and Priority VPN concerning the Site, the Apps and the Services.

14.2. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and Priority VPN with respect to your access and use of the Site, the Apps and the Services and supersede and replace all prior understandings or agreements, written or oral, regarding such subject matter.

14.3. All headings are solely for the convenience of reference and shall not affect the meaning, construction or effect of this Agreement.

14.4. If any provision in the Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be construed in a manner consistent with applicable law to reflect the original intent of the provision, and the remaining provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Any failure to exercise or enforce any right or the provision of the Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision, or be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach or default.
14. Final Provisions